logoDenoby example



Foreign Function Interface


Foreign Function Interface (FFI) is a way to call functions written in other languages from JavaScript.

Prerequisites: - Julia from https://julialang.org/downloads/ installed - `julia` in your `PATH`
This example shows how to use the julia FFI library to execute Julia code from Deno.
First lets define the symbols we want to import from the library.
const SYMBOLS = {
The `jl_init` function initializes the Julia runtime.
  jl_init: {
The function takes no parameters so we pass an empty array.
    parameters: [],
The function returns a `void` pointer.
    result: "void",
The `jl_eval_string` function takes a string and evaluates it as Julia code.
  jl_eval_string: {
The function takes a string so we pass an array with a buffer type
    parameters: ["buffer"],
The function results in a `pointer`.
    result: "pointer",
} as const;
Next, we import the FFI library from Deno.
const julia = Deno.dlopen(
Change .dll to .dylib on macOS and .so on Linux
Before we can call the functions we need to convert the string to a C string. Let's define a helper function for that.
export function cstr(str: string): Uint8Array {
  const buf = new Uint8Array(str.length + 1);
  new TextEncoder().encodeInto(str, buf);
  return buf;
We can now call the functions we imported.
We can now evaluate Julia code.

Run this example locally using the Deno CLI:

deno run --unstable --allow-ffi https://byexample-9vp6gpfrkxbp.deno.dev/ffi.ts

Additional resources: